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Staying Well with Frances: January Lifestyle Re-set


Jan 12, 2022
By Frances Largeman-Roth, RDN, nutrition expert, author and AVON Wellness Ambassador

Tips for re-setting your diet and lifestyle for increased energy.
Pre- and post-workout snacks to boost my performance and recovery.

Woot! It’s another New Year and another fantastic chance to take charge of your health. I love fresh starts! The key to making those new healthy habits stick is to make them doable and dare I say-—FUN! If you enjoy doing something, you’re going to want to keep doing it again and again until it’s a habit.

If one of your 2022 goals is to start a fitness routine, that’s fantastic! Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned athlete, one thing that that will make a difference in your daily energy level and in the results you see in the mirror is what you eat before and after your workout. Here are some quick, easy and tasty snacks to support your fitness goals:
Pre-Workout Snacks
The key to fueling up before a workout is to eat something that you can easily digest, like a combo of carbs and protein that add up to about 200 to 250 calories. It’s ideal to eat an hour before exercising, but if you’re crunched for time, grab a banana before heading out the door.
  • Rainbow Toast: A slice of toast with nut butter is always a great snack, but you can kick it up by layering ½ cup of fresh fruit on top. I like using seasonal fruit, but you can use whatever you have on hand.
  • Yogurt & Muesli: Combine 1 cup of yogurt with 1 teaspoon of honey and 2 tablespoons of muesli.
  • Cottage cheese & granola: Cottage cheese is loaded with protein! Combine 1 cup with ½ cup of fresh fruit, plus 2 tablespoons of granola.
  • Energy Bites: Two of these little gems offer just the right amount of energy before heading out for a run or a walk. They also make a great snack for the whole family. Grab the recipe here.
Post-Workout Snacks
Refueling after a workout is key to seeing results. It’s important to restore your body 15 to 20 minutes after working out to help your muscles repair. A combo of carbs, protein, healthy fats and antioxidants is ideal. It’s similar to what you might eat before working out, but you can get a little more adventurous with your ingredients because you don’t have to worry about digestion so much.
Cherry-Almond Smoothie: I love a dreamy smoothie after a tough workout! This is a great option especially when you’re not feeling super hungry after a workout, which is common. Try this smoothie, which is calcium-packed and includes collagen powder. I love it with re:tune Collagen Booster.

1 cup 2% Greek Yogurt
½ cup frozen Bing cherries
½ cup tart cherry juice
2 tablespoons almond butter
1 scoop re:tune Inner Beauty Collagen Booster

Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Serve in a tall glass.
Scrambled Eggs with Pita: Scramble two whole eggs and serve with a whole grain pita, plus 1 tablespoon of grated cheese and 1 cup of baby spinach
Overnight Oats: I love overnight oats because you can make a batch on Sunday and have breakfast ready all week long! This Tie-Dye Overnight Oats recipe combines antioxidant-packed wild blueberries with whole grain oats and coconut for a decadent tasting and filling meal.
We can’t talk about fueling up pre- and post-workout without getting into the importance of hydration. Hydration isn’t only important for replacing water that’s lost when we sweat, it’s also necessary for regulating our body temperature, which helps prevent us from getting overheated. On days that you exercise, your water goal should be 3 liters (12.5 cups). 

If you’re not a big fan of drinking plain water, it’s nice to add a little flavor. I love adding a packet of re:tune Inner Beauty Hydration to my water bottle because it adds a light berry flavor, plus electrolytes and B vitamins.

Here’s to taking 2022 on feeling energized and ready to explore new challenges!
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